Monday, April 27, 2009

Home, and still traveling. ...


Okay, I've been home for about a week from today, well will be a week tomorrow. Had a little break and then headed off to Clayton, North Carolina. Thats where I am now, working at the ARC conference at C3 church. I love it. Getting together with other 24/7's and big internships around the country and hearing amazing speakers speak such truth. There is so much opportunity in the air. But I tell you what, 24/7 is such an awesome program.! And I don't say that because I'm in I feel that I have to protect it, and now I have this sense of pride about it, but just the true rawness of it. The fact of the matter is, I am truly blessed to be here in this season of my life.

Well, I know I'm skipping like a whole month of life in Africa. I do have a little to write about that. I will share, but right now I'm in the now... and God is opening up my eyes and bringing down His love, which he always is but I'm just receiving it, and I'm loving every second of it. The good and the bad. I'll write soon...

fin ::.
