Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas 24/7

.... Insane how three weeks goes by so fast, and yet at times, oh so slow. The pace in life, always changing. I like that. Well, its been a grand three weeks. So much we did, so much has been accomplished. I love every minute of it. God = peace and joy, love and passion. God has been so DARN good.! He always is. ( : Tomorrow I head back to my hometown, Tampa Florida to be with  my family for the Holidays. CHRISTMAS.! I'm so excited to be back with my family for a couple weeks. It will be good sense I don't come home for another 5 and half months after break. hm... "God, you are so beautiful.!"
Merry Christmas 24/7 and friends. Love.

a u g u s t : : .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

August!!! I already miss you friend!!! Be good while you are at home and stay safe!!! Can't wait for us to all get back and start getting ready for Mexico!!! Whose team were you on again?