Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One of those days ...

... You just ever have those days where you are doing everything you don't want to do but nothing of what you do want to do.?  Thats been today. Today I had so much to write about, and I still do, but its just one of those things: in for the moment, then lost hopefully to be remembered.  I prayed that God will help me remember, and its not just that, its "time". Where does time go.? When we are given a short period of time we feel like we use that to its fullest, but with more time I know I feel more as if I had no time at all.  That to me is a little bit upside down.  Its procrastination, even with the things you love to do, and I hate it when I do that. 
... God has been so good, he always is and forever will be.  Today as I was praying and I was thinking about all the talents God has given me, and the question "do I use them to the fullest potential, have I tapped into any new ones.?" came to thought. I believe God is still opening my eyes to new things I never thought I could have done. That just shows that with God we can do all things and nothing is impossible with him.  But to be honest I don't think I truly use the talents God has given me to the fullest potential.  Talents are a precious gift from God, some people have similarities but then others have totally different gifts.  Its amazing to think of what God has placed in my life  that I can do.  To him shall be the glory, but also to him I shall use the precious gifts he has given me to the fullest; its a responsibility that we can so easily mess up on. 
... Lately I've been trying to write down those gifts, and I should write down those gifts.! .. and ask God what it is he has planned for me to do with them. The value of a gift from God I may never fully understand but I do know how much of a waste it is when we choose not to pursue and embrace those things he has given us.  hm...

"So many thoughts running through my mind today and at the moment. I would love to just write for hours, and then every now and then go outside and take a bike ride to clear my mind and start over again. ( :
I love life, it is a beautiful gift. "

We Live.!

august w. o. ::.


indian.paintbrush said...

I take a deep breath and sigh.
I miss you. I love this post.. so much truth and new seeds of contemplation. hmmm....

Those talents.. hm, I think I need to write mine down as well and seek God for their purposes.

I love you.

Rebecca said...

good words august...and something that's been on my mind a lot lately as well.
i listened to a podcast the other day that talked about using what God has put in your hand to fulfill the purpose that He has put in your heart...it obviously went a lot more into it than that...but i haven't been able to get that idea out of my head the past couple of weeks.
thanks for sharing your thoughts :)