... God has been so good, he always is and forever will be. Today as I was praying and I was thinking about all the talents God has given me, and the question "do I use them to the fullest potential, have I tapped into any new ones.?" came to thought. I believe God is still opening my eyes to new things I never thought I could have done. That just shows that with God we can do all things and nothing is impossible with him. But to be honest I don't think I truly use the talents God has given me to the fullest potential. Talents are a precious gift from God, some people have similarities but then others have totally different gifts. Its amazing to think of what God has placed in my life that I can do. To him shall be the glory, but also to him I shall use the precious gifts he has given me to the fullest; its a responsibility that we can so easily mess up on.
... Lately I've been trying to write down those gifts, and I should write down those gifts.! .. and ask God what it is he has planned for me to do with them. The value of a gift from God I may never fully understand but I do know how much of a waste it is when we choose not to pursue and embrace those things he has given us. hm...
"So many thoughts running through my mind today and at the moment. I would love to just write for hours, and then every now and then go outside and take a bike ride to clear my mind and start over again. ( :
I love life, it is a beautiful gift. "
We Live.!
august w. o. ::.
I take a deep breath and sigh.
I miss you. I love this post.. so much truth and new seeds of contemplation. hmmm....
Those talents.. hm, I think I need to write mine down as well and seek God for their purposes.
I love you.
good words august...and something that's been on my mind a lot lately as well.
i listened to a podcast the other day that talked about using what God has put in your hand to fulfill the purpose that He has put in your heart...it obviously went a lot more into it than that...but i haven't been able to get that idea out of my head the past couple of weeks.
thanks for sharing your thoughts :)
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